We think about what we would want if we were a Client of ourselves. It is a “do unto others” equation.

Essentially, we focus on the real science of risk mitigation and apply that science to our range of business recovery services. These are aimed at the SME sector in all corners of the world. We carefully consider the risks our Clients place on us and how these risks affect our ability to provide a viable recovery service.

Every Client is different and every Client changes the dynamics of our risk portfolio. We think about this a lot.

We also believe in giving our Clients what they want rather than what we have got.

This means we also listen quite a lot.

We believe that the disaster recovery industry is paradoxically challenged. Let us explain why:

You buy a disaster recovery contract to decrease your risk and to ensure you can protect your reputation, market share, profits and stakeholder interests. However, what would you think if you found out at the time of your disaster, that you couldn’t get your service because another company had beaten you to it? That is a rhetorical question.

You absolutely MUST find out before you invest in disaster recovery what your risk is. With BusinessAssist™ you can do that. We use a unique system called BusinessAssist™ CALM (Client Assessment & Logistics Management) that scientifically measures the risk our Clients actually place on us when they buy our disaster recovery services. By doing that, we think as our Clients ought to think: should I be doing business with these guys?

Now, we only sell via insurance partners and industry wholesalers/resellers and so if you would like to find out more about how CALM works then take a look at  or ask one of our partners. Of course you may be interested in becoming a partner yourselves so click here if you would like to have a chat.

In a nutshell, we would like you to think as we do, and us as you do. Lower your risk; improve your viability and give confidence to your stakeholders. For a little more information on how we think and in particular to why SMEs need disaster recovery services more than a large corporate click here to read one of recent articles.

"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
and treat those two imposters just the same..."

Rudyard Kipling