Wholesalers & Resellers

There are a number of reasons why you might consider becoming a partner of ours:

  • BusinessAssist™ provides you with a great annuity stream
  • BusinessAssist™ provides great client retention rates
  • BusinessAssist™ is a superb market differentiator
  • BusinessAssist™ is unique
  • BusinessAssist™ provides for some great up-sell opportunities
  • BusinessAssist™ partners can enjoy healthy margin returns
  • Equally as important, we do not ask you to commit to stock

The Ideal Partner

We work with partners that have a similar target market to ourselves. Ideally, you will already have a substantial SME client base. You already do or will have aspirations to trade internationally. You have a reputation for great service and a passion for being the best.

If it sounds to you  like we may be able to work together then please do get in touch.

We look forward to hearing from you.

"If you can lose and start again at your beginnings
and never breathe a word about your loss..."

Rudyard Kipling